Guiding you to set up your business for success by overcoming emotional and behavioral roadblocks

Posts tagged ‘fees’


As we build our partnership, there are a few guidelines to help us remain focused, committed, strong and productive. We’ll discuss these together to make sure we’re on the same page.


Coaching is a confidential relationship. I will keep notes and copy of the records of our sessions to help me coach you most effectively; however, these notes, and the content of our sessions, will never be shared unless you request it. I abide by the International Coach Federation Code of Ethics and I respect your confidentiality and adhere to a strict code of ethics. Unless required by law, I will not share details of our conversations with anyone in any way or divulge the nature of our relationship without your prior permission. Everything about our coaching relationship is completely discreet, even the fact that our coaching relationship exists. On the other hand, as these are your sessions, you should feel free to discuss and share our conversations with whomever you feel will also help and support you.


Partners need to be able to count on each other. Therefore, during our conversations, I promise to shut out all other distraction to focus on you. I commit to being available during our scheduled sessions and to respond to your emails within one business day (except during announced vacation times). As the client, you promise to do any “homework” we may agree on and to call me at the specified time. We both promise to give the other 48 hours notice in case of cancellation, and we’ll reschedule the session.


Successful coaching depends on honest communication. I will share honest feedback with you and ask that you do the same. If the sessions aren’t working for you, in terms of format, pace, or structure, please say something so we can adjust our working style.


The coaching fees are outlined in the Coaching Options. Discount and sales promotions are available and applied as outlined in the Coaching Options. Coaching relationship commence with the payment of fees.


I love referrals. With the personal nature of this alliance, being referred is one of the greatest compliments I could receive from you. If you refer someone and they enter into a coaching relationship, you will receive a thank you gift and a bonus session for free.

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