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Marry Your Money

In 12 tele-classes you will receive humongous information about resources, words and behaviors that support you in your quest to have the harmonious, fun and exciting life that money can buy. I will support you and guide you to find your own place of power and be the head of your money marriage. Remember, if you don’t rule your money, your money will rule you and as a result you may not be pleased.

Week1. My Money Scripts

We will bring to awareness everything from your past and present belief systems, your inherited money perceptions and your empowering and disempowering attitudes about money

Week2. My Money Fears

We will dig deep into the core of your money problems and we will discover the root of your financial difficulties.

Week3. My Financial Success Mantras

We will connect the dots from the first two sessions and practice well proven mantras for financial success

Week4. My Money Choices

We will tap into what choices led you to where you are in your money situation. We will challenge them, change them and will make the choices that support us to life the life we want to life

Week5. Getting in touch with my money

We will assess your risk tolerance and categorize your money behaviors. We will learn tools to nurture what we have and plan for what we want

Week6. Building lasting money relationships

If money was a shadow person in your life, we would like to know how this person looks like and how he/she behaves and what role does he/she play in our life.

Week7. The Game of Margins

How to optimize and maximize every earned dollar is an art which can be learned and practiced with love and patience. Rich people stay rich because they know how to work all margins to their advantage and this can be a lot of fun to do if you know how to.

Week8. The Game of Money Growth

One of the most difficult lessons in life is to learn to love money in a constructive way. What you give is what you will receive in return and we will learn to use the tools that support us in the give and take of money to become open, receptive and mindful of how to grow our money

Week9. The way to Stewardship

Taking care of your money is life taking care of your own kids – if you do a good job you will reap good results. There are many ways to protect your money and teach them how you want them to grow and mature and it is your responsibility to show them respect and trust in them and watch them grow.

Week10. Designing Wealth

We will focus on your chosen road to wealth and will create the steps to moving toward there every single day. We will learn also a few pitfalls that we do not want to fall into and the ways to successfully avoid them.

Week11. Preparing for Abundance

Taking the steps to receive all that you are meant to receive from your money is just great. You will learn the ways to unlock and welcome the abundance in your life. There is bountiful of tools and scripts to charge your karma.

Week12. My 10 Money Commandments

The greatest take away from this program is that by the time you finish it you will be ready to create your most meaningful, personal 10 rules that will be your guidance and motivation, your foundation for your lasting marriage with money.

Marry Your Money © 2008 Tsvetanka Petrova. All Rights Reserved

About the Author

Tsvetanka Petrova – Sue, the Good Karma Coach, specializes in choosing who you want to BE and being in alignment with this feeling and knowledge so that you can attract easily and effortlessly your desires along your path that correspond with who you are.

She has a first-hand experience with overcoming impossible obstacles, surviving through all storms and attaining unimaginable financial and personal success for her age as a result.

Tsvetanka’s web site: and blog: is a valuable resource with lots of free articles and success tools.

Author’s note: Please feel free to use this article for your own web site or newsletter. However, the About the Author information and the copyright line need to be present in your reprint of this article. Also note, that this article is not to be altered or published incomplete and a copy of your reprint is sent to

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